Breaded Brussels Sprouts

I can’t believe I’ve been posting on this blog for three weeks and you haven’t seen any Brussels sprouts yet! They’re seriously my favorite thing ever. Well, tied with garlic and burgers and my Grandma’s stuffed cabbage (don’t judge!), and ice cream. And cookies! But for real, I LOVE Brussels sprouts. LOVE them. You’ll hear about them a lot. Sorry or You’re Welcome in advance. Truly, I would eat them every day, any way. Got a great recipe? Send it my way.

So this post is not about a whole dinner. It’s just about the side. (That said, I would eat this entire side as a meal…it’s so delicious!) AND EASY! Couldn’t be easier, in fact. I found this recipe thanks to the Pinterest algorithm that somehow figured out I like Brussels sprouts based on my pinning habits, and suggested I might also enjoy this recipe. Go figure. These are described by the original recipe poster as “The Best Brussels Sprouts” and they are definitely up there! Here you go:

* ~3C fresh Brussels sprouts (I didn’t measure mine out – just bought a big ol’ pile and cooked ’em all!)
* 1t pepper
* 1t garlic salt
* olive oil
* 1/4C seasoned bread crumbs

Wash your sprouts, then cut them in half.breadedbrussels1

Heat a glug or two of olive oil in a skillet, and add in the sprouts, and about a teaspoon each of black pepper and garlic salt. Keep the heat on medium-low and stir occasionally, allowing the sprouts to get a little color on all sides.

After about 10-12 minutes, add a bit more olive oil (eyeball it) and the seasoned breadcrumbs (I used Italian seasoned). Stir again to distribute these throughout the pan and cook about another 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally.

This is basically the whole story. You’re done. Do a little tasting here and there as they cook to make sure the seasoning is right and they’re softening enough. You want the edges to brown up a bit, but really, as I said this could not be easier. I served these alongside pan-seared steak and rice pilaf. But they’ll go well with anything, so if you see some good looking fresh Brussels at the store – buy them! Try this! You won’t be disappointed. And if you think you don’t like Brussels sprouts, then definitely make this recipe, because you’ll be converted like me.

I’m not sure if this is THE BEST of all Brussels sprouts recipes, but that’s probably just because I haven’t tried every recipe. This one’s right up there at the top, though. I mean, just look at this beautiful mountain of Brussels sprouts! Delicious is insufficient as a descriptor.

breadedbrussels3Now go eat and enjoy!

(Here‘s the original recipe again, over on Horses and Heels. And here’s where I pinned it on my board, ‘Yummmmm: Apps + Salads + Sides’)

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